A gallery of fun toy problems I did at Holacode

Beneath each snippet is a link to a gist containing my other solutions

8 Queens
Clock Hands
Make A Language
Fractal Fibonacci Tree

Nota Bene: Code here is factored for fun and beauty. Best practices are cast to the wind with gleeful abandon.

8 Queens

Given an 8 x 8 board, find all the ways you can place 8 queens on the board such that none of them are threatened.

Instead of the conventional backtracking approach, this is a pure, functional implementation with no global state.

var {range} = require('range')
function isThreatened(board, pos) {
  return board.includes(pos) ||
         board.filter((e, i, a) =>
           a.length - i === Math.abs(e - pos)
function nqueens(n, board=[]) {
  let moves = range(n).filter(e=>
    !isThreatened(board, e)
  return board.length === n - 1
    ? moves
    : moves.map((m, i, a)=>
        nqueens(n, a.concat([m])).map(sol=>
      ).reduce((acc, cur) => acc.concat(cur), []);
Other versions: seisvelas@gist.github/nqueens

Clock Hands

Given a time, find the inner angle between the second and hour hands at that time.
Lorenzo, one of the volunteer mentors at holacode, taught us this problem. He said it was given to him during his interview at Uber.

Below is my solution in Elixir. The Scheme version uses a macro so you can enter the time as-is. So : instead of the string literal ":" (like my Python version) or three integers like the version below.

defmodule ClockAngle do
  def pos(hour, minute) do
    5 * (rem(hour, 12) + minute / 60)
  def angle(hour, minute, second) do
    hour_pos = pos(hour, minute)
    angle = abs(6 * (second - hour_pos))
    inner_angle = min(angle, 360 - angle)


IO.puts ClockAngle.angle(2, 20, 20)
Other versions: seisvelas@gist.github/clock

Make A Language

I made up a language called Rosario and implemented the interpreter in Lisp. The syntax is akin to an x86 assembly, with each line representing a discrete instruction and 'loops' simulated with label/goto spaghetti.

Here's me running a Rosario application that displays the nth fibonacci number:

And here's the source code of fib.rose:
// fib.rose
// Displays the nth fibonacci number

<- n 8

<- a 0
<- b 1

// asm style loop (label/condition/goto)
label @begin
  <- tmp a
  <- a b
  += b tmp
  += n -1
  != n 0
goto @begin

// n is 8, so this will display 21
hi a

Compiler Source: seisvelas@github/rosario

This was my first, small project with Language Oriented Programming but I'd like to create something less trivial. Racket is so powerful for language creation, it feels wrong NOT to, even just for fun.

Fractal Fibonacci Tree

Create a binary tree with a base value of n, such that each branch equals n-1 and n-2. Stop branching when n equals 1 or 0.

The sum of the terminal leaves is the nth Fibonacci number.

n =
f(n) = ...

Before FizBuzz stormed HR departments over two decades ago (and when C could still be called a lingua franca), "reverse a linked list" was the programming interview question du jour. C and Lisp are the only languages in which linked lists feel natural to me, even though the same abstraction is simple enough with object references in most other languages.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct fib_node {
  int n;
  struct fib_node *left, *right;
struct fib_node* fib(int n) {
  struct fib_node *node;

  node = malloc(sizeof(struct fib_node));
  node->n = n;
  if (n && (n - 1)) {
    node->left  = fib(n-1);
    node->right = fib(n-2);
  return node;               
int count_leaves(struct fib_node *node) {
    if (node->left && node->right) {
        return count_leaves(node->left) + 
    return node->n;
void main(void) {
  // displays 13, the 7th fib number
  printf("%d\n", count_leaves(fib(7)));
Other approaches: seisvelas@gist.github/fib